Rite of Passage & Sacred Bodywork Ceremony
Lomilomi Hāloa is an ancient Hawaiian Shamanic Ceremonial Rite of Passage that allows you to delve deep into the heart of your BE-ing. It is a journey of connecting your soul, spirit and physical body.
Call to Book: 808-867-0822
Through the gateway of the body, we can transform our stored emotions and pattering. This Ancient Ritual can support you in moving forward with grace & fulfillment; manifesting your greatest hearts desires!
The journey is considered a ceremonial and for it to be a complete Rite of Passage, it is best to allow yourself to be naked, raw, and free on the kū’ahu “altar”. Some testimonials have stated that this allowed for a deep level of healing, sense of wholeness, acceptance and connection with their body.
Lomilomi Hāloa invites you to move into the fullness of who you are, into deeper love, connection & compassion; cultivating gratitude and a loving appreciation for your body temple and Self.
Lomilomi Hāloa ceremonies unite the power of Pule (prayer), Oli (Hawaiian chanting), Ka Lele (Shamanic breath and movement) and Lomilomi Hāloa Bodywork (Deep, long, flowing bodywork) to build your Mana (divine life force energy).
Let this Mana (divine energy) pour through you, flood your whole being, and wash away all that no longer serves you with Aloha (love). Let the energy from the ‘Āina (earth), the Moana (Ocean), and the Hōkū (stars) lighten your Be-ing. Allow the Greater to set you free.
It would be my honor to serve you in this beautiful way.
As this is a Rite of Passage for you to transform yourself and your life…..
The more time and energy you give to your intention and this journey, the more powerful the shifts. Some areas of life to ponder: Body, Work/School, Money, Love Life, Friendships, and Self Worth… I encourage you to look deep inside!
BE with what you would like to let go of in your life… What no longer serves you? What patterns? Thoughts? Feelings? Ways you act? Internal or external experiences you desire to change?
BE with what your heart’s desires are… What are you calling forth? How do you desire to feel? Think? Be? What are your greatest dreams? Are you ready to live them!?
These journeys are very powerful ways to manifest. Feel, see, hear what you are manifesting. Affirm each day what you are releasing and calling forth. Take every opportunity to begin to put these desires into action. Be open to opportunities, meetings and inner promptings occurring.
It is advised to have a little space after your session (3 hours from start time) so you can ho’olohe, listen deeply, to yourself, your inner wisdom and the blessings flooding in and around you. Journaling is a powerful way to support your integration.
To receive the full benefits of this amazing Journey, please take the time to prepare your Being by….
-Don’t eat at least 4 hours prior to your session. Keep hydrated on the days leading up, but please minimize the amount of liquids you drink an hour before your session.
-Please refrain from caffeine or smoke the day of the session. The longer the better.
-No recreational drugs or alcohol for ideally a week prior, the more days the better.
-Please cut your toenails, and if you shave, please come freshly shaved.
-On the day, please refrain from wearing make-up, fake tan, perfume, oil, hair gel/spray, etc.
-Remove all jewelry. This includes any rings, earrings, anklets, etc.
-If you wear contacts, please take these out prior or bring your contact case and solution.
-Please shower before you arrive, to cleanse and align.
-Bring a water bottle and a piece of fruit or nuts for after the session is completed.
-Preferably wear light colored clothing, ideally no black or red clothing. You may also desire to bring a spare set of clothes that can get oil on them that you can wear home.
-Bring a journal, so you can write down what comes up for you after your session.
*Please let me know if you have any allergies to coconut, olive or essential oils.
After the session….
I suggest connecting with the earth and grounding your feet into the grass or sand and allowing the moisture or ocean to grace you with its cleansing presence. It is a great place to journal. It will be very important to eat nourishing food. BE present with your body and what you feel like eating. I encourage no sugar, processed or refined foods. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy and uplifting foods. Drink an abundance of water, you may desire to add some good quality salt and lemon to support the cleansing process.
Know that every Journey is different, and from the moment you said YES to this Rite of Passage, the blessings, shift and changes have begun. Things may arise in the time leading up, as they are ready to be loved free. Be loving and gentle with yourself. Breathe deeply. Please contact me if you require any support!!
I’m excited to share this work with you! Let me know if you have any questions and please respond confirming you received this.
Call to Book: 808-867-0822
Mahalo nui loa, deep gratitude,